January 12, 2009
Mayor Steve Fennewald called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m. Present were Mayor Steve Fennewald, Council Members Terry Johnson, Kevin Nelsen, Jarvis Sasse, and Laura Volk. Also present were Jason Strand of Ackerman-Estvold, Chief of Police Brad Seideman, Part-time Police Officer Dennis Snodgrass, PWS Greg Lemer and Auditor Elaine Christianson. Council Members Blaine Klein and Dana Larsen were absent.
The Agenda was reviewed. No additions were made.
A Public Hearing was held on a request for the proposed Grabow Subdivison. No one appeared to speak against the request.
Under Monthly Business, Mayor Fennewald called for a motion to approve the proposed Grabow Subdivision. Motion to approve the Grabow Subdivision as presented – Volk/Johnson. Discussion held about minimum lot size requirements and preliminary plat. Roll call vote: Volk-aye; Sasse-aye; Johnson-aye; Nelsen-aye; motion carried 4-0.
Mayor Fennewald read the consent agenda: Review and approve the 12/01/08 regular meeting minutes; Approve financial reports and payments of payroll in the amount of $13,115.04 and bills to be paid in the amount of $21,534.33; Approve the Municipal Court, Police, Public Works, and Auditor reports; Approve the Renewal of Ward County Jail Contract to House Prisoners. Motion to approve the consent agenda – Sasse/Nelsen. Roll call vote: Sasse-aye; Volk-aye; Nelsen-aye; Johnson-aye; motion carried 4-0.
Under Monthly Business, Christianson presented requests from the Surrey Blue Sox to be declared a public-spirited entity and be permitted a raffle permit. Discussion held regarding state requirements for local gaming permits. Resolution 2009-01 Public-Spirited Organization – Surrey Blue Sox was introduced and moved for adoption – Johnson/Nelsen. Roll call vote: Johnson-aye; Nelsen-aye; Volk-aye; Sasse-aye; motion carried 4-0. Motion made to approve local gaming permit 2009-01 for a raffle for the Surrey Blue Sox – Nelsen/Johnson. Roll call vote: Nelsen-aye; Johnson-aye; Sasse-aye; Volk-aye; motion carried 4-0.
Christianson presented the snow removal policy to the Council. Discussion held with the residents in the audience regarding record snowfall and City running out of places to pile snow. Discussion also held that the City can only regulate snow being placed on city right-of-ways and not neighbors putting snow on other neighbors property. Motion to approve the snow removal policy as presented – Sasse/Nelsen. Roll call vote: Sasse-aye; Johnson-aye; Nelsen-aye; Volk-aye; motion carried 4-0.
Discussion held regarding Lemer and Christianson’s request for permission to hire a contractor to help with some snow removal. Much discussion held regarding dead ends, corners, current city equipment, and record snowfall accumulations. Discussion held regarding a place to dump snow and concerns of the spring thaw. Motion to hire Undhjem/Myers to clean a snow dump area by the old lagoon and to remove snow from corners that are causing visibility issues at the intersections with a total cost not to exceed $3,200 – Sasse/Nelsen. Discussion held with residents in the audience. Resident Al Reiter inquired if residents could utilize the snow dump area. Consensus of the Council is that Surrey residents may use the snow dump area only after Undhjem/Myers have completed the snow removal for the City. Roll call vote: Sasse-aye; Johnson-aye; Nelsen-aye; Volk-aye; motion carried 4-0.
Next discussion was held regarding buried fire hydrants. Lemer has been trying to keep up with snow removal around the hydrants but has been unable to with the amount of snow and the time dedicated to the streets. Consensus of Council is to hang flyers asking residents to help with snow removal by their hydrants.
Lemer discussed wear and tear and mechanical issues on the snow blower and requested permission to purchase a second PTO shaft for approximately $635. Discussion held about rebuilts and cost. Lemer explained further that the PTO shaft for the tractor is triangular shaped, not your typical square shaped PTO. Motion to approve the purchase of a second PTO shaft – Volk/Johnson. Roll call vote: Volk-aye; Sasse-aye; Johnson-aye; Nelsen-aye; motion carried 4-0. Christianson asked Lemer to present information he received from Sweeney Brothers regarding a government lease program on Volvo loaders. The City can lease a Volvo loader for 5 months at $500 per month. Motion to lease the loader for 5 months at $500 per month – Nelsen/Johnson. More discussion held on the lease program versus hiring a contractor, the City’s current equipment and other snow issues. Roll call vote: Nelsen-nay; Johnson-nay; Sasse-nay; Volk-nay; motion failed 4-0.
Under Unfinished Business, Seideman discussed the street lighting on Pleasant Avenue and 2nd Street Southeast. Seideman recommends that 3 to 4 additional lights be added to 2nd Street Southeast and 6 lights maximum be added to Pleasant Avenue. Motion to approve Seideman’s recommendation – Volk/Johnson. Roll call vote: Volk-aye; Sasse-aye; Johnson-aye; Nelsen-aye; motion carried 4-0. Seideman will work with Tom Miller from Ottertail in the spring.
Also under Unfinished Business, Christianson followed up on information received from Larsen on the walking path request from the Senior Citizens. The program available for this is not a 60/40 split but an 80/20 split; however, the City portion would still be at a cost to $30,000 to $40,000. Consensus of the Council is the City does not have the money available at this time for this type of project.
Seideman introduced new part-time police officer Dennis Snodgrass to the Council. Christianson updated Council and Seideman that the safety coordinator for BNSF will be contacting Seideman about children crossing the railroad tracks in the field.
Under other business, Sasse inquired about monies that President Obama is proposing for city infrastructure. Christianson will research these potential funds.
No other business to discuss, motion to adjourn – Nelsen/Johnson. Meeting adjourned at 8:57p.m.