September 14, 2009
Mayor Steve Fennewald called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m. Present were Mayor Steve Fennewald, Council Members Terry Johnson, Blaine Klein, Jarvis Sasse, and Laura Volk. Also present Police Chief Brad Seideman, Auditor Jason Vaagen, Public Works Superintendent Steve Peterson and Deputy Auditor Rosemary McNamara.
The Agenda was reviewed. There were no additions.
Mayor Fennewald read the consent agenda: Review and approve the minutes from the 08/03/09 Regular Meeting, the 8/10/09 Special Meeting for District 27 Protest Hearing, the 08/26/09 Special Meeting for Interviews, and the 09/08/09 Special Meeting; Approve financial reports and payments of payroll in the amount of $20686.79 and bills to be paid in the amount of $20621.89; Approve the Auditor’s Report, Public Works Reports, Police and Municipal Court; Motion Sasse/Klein to approve the consent agenda. Roll call vote: Klein-aye; Sasse-aye; Volk-aye; Larsen-aye; and Johnson-aye; motion carried 5-0.
Motion by Volk/Johnson to reappoint city assessor. Roll Call: Volk-aye; Johnson-aye; Klein-aye; and Sasse-aye. Motion carries 4-0.
Under Monthly Business, motion Sasse/Volk to approve allowing Mr. Thompson to leave culvert until fall 2010. Roll call vote: Sasse-aye; Volk-aye; Johnson-aye; and Klein-aye; motion carried 4-0.
Chuck Tollefson asked council to allow him to purchase, lease or use land over what he already has. He needs an extra 20-30 feet.
Motion by Sasse/Johnson was made to offer a 10-year lease at $5/yr. for 30 ft. additional land with the option to extend the lease for another 10 years with the condition that the city can revoke the lease if the land is needed by the city. Roll Call: Sasse-aye; Johnson-aye; Volk-aye; and Klein-aye. Motion carried 4-0.
Larsen entered the meeting.
Council reviewed the outdoor seating area at the Bottom’s Up Bar. Scott Brobst addressed the council regarding the issues they had. Discussion ensued between the owner of Bottom’s Up and the council.
A motion was made by Larsen/Sasse to extend the temporary permit of outdoor seating area until July 2010 at which time it will be reviewed again. Roll Call: Larsen-aye; Sasse-aye; Volk-aye; Johnson-aye; and Klein-aye.
Darcy Myers approached council to have new streetlights installed on the street they are developing. Auditor Vaagen was instructed to contact Otter Tail about getting these lights installed.
Under City Official availability council advised Auditor Vaagen that if he is on his own time he can tell residents that he will not discuss city complaints during his off time and that they can contact him during office hours.
Under the Auditor’s report:
a) Motion was made by Volk/Klein to allow for the destruction of records that have reached the limit for record retention. Roll Call: Volk-aye; Klein-aye; Sasse-aye; Larsen-aye; and Johnson-aye. Motion carried 5-0.
b) Motion was made by Sasse/Larsen to have the engineer update the safe routes to school application and resubmit it. Roll Call: Sasse-aye; Larsen-aye; Volk-aye; Johnson-aye; and Klein-aye. Motion carried 5-0.
c) Ward County Advisory Committee Meeting council will get with Auditor Vaagen if they wish to attend.
d) Office project: Auditor Vaagen updated council regarding the progress of the pricing the new Auditor’s office.
e) Motion was made by Larsen/Sasse to have Police Chief, Mayor, and candidate designated by the fire department placed on the siren authorization list. Larsen-aye; Sasse-aye; Volk-aye; Johnson-aye; and Klein-aye.
f) Frost boil work has been completed and bill is less than expected
g) Valley Gutter update: Valley Gutter work will be worked on in two weeks. Rod Hjelden indicated that if the road needs to be closed, people could use his driveway to get through as long as it is marked so people don’t drive on his grass.
Public Works Report
a) Grading of Roads: Auditor Vaagen indicated that it is his understanding that the work has been completed.
b) Truck purchase: There are no plows available to purchase through the state surplus center if city decides to purchase a truck. Council decided to postpone the purchase of a new plow truck until PWS Peterson has a chance to see what condition the equipment is in. PWS Peterson was instructed to look into the price of purchasing a box plow. Renting of a loader and looking into other options for snow removal and plowing.
Under the Police Report, Chief Seideman received a letter regarding grant training in Bismarck on September 29-30. The training is in Bismarck and is fully reimbursed except for his wages.
Chief Seideman publicly thanked Chief Balentine and Chief Deputy Bill Hunt for his advising Chief Seideman regarding grants that he received for the purchasing an in-car camera and desktop computer. Chief Seideman also publicly thanked Wal-Mart for a $300 grant.
Chief Seideman also asked council to give permission to offer a reward regarding the break in at the Blue Sox trailer last month. The Blue Sox will contribute $150, Barry’s will contribute $25 and Seideman would like the city to contribute $75.
Motion by Volk/Johnson to donate $75 to the reward for the break in. Roll Call; Volk-aye; Johnson-aye; Sasse-nay; Klein-aye; and Larsen- aye. Motion carries 4-1.
Chief Seideman wanted to notify council that he received a call from the state for a grant for another in-car camera in the amount of $4000, and the camera doesn’t need to be in service until June 30, 2010. They also notified Chief Seideman that the Police Department received a grant for $4000 for wages. This, in addition to the other grant contract for wages that the city received for $1200, brings grant funds for wages up to $5200. As a result Chief Seideman would like to request that his wage goes up to meet what the PWS wage is; in addition he would also request that his part-time patrolmen receive an increase to $13/hr.
A motion was made by Sasse/Johnson to increase the wages of the Police Chief to $17.15/hr. and patrolmen to $13/hr. Increasing the total wages of the Chief by $2000/yr., applying $1000 of the grant money to part-time wages and reducing the city’s part of part-time wages by $1000, in addition to adding $2000 to the part-time wages for the Police Department budget. Roll Call: Sasse-aye; Volk-aye; Larsen-aye; Johnson-aye; and Klein-nay. Motion carries 4-1.
Preliminary Budget:
Auditor Vaagen pointed out that the preliminary budget needed to be rescinded because it violates Century Code. This was a result of council wanting to raise liquor license rates above $2000/yr.
Motion made by Larsen/Sasse to rescind the approval of the preliminary budget. Roll Call: Larsen-aye; Volk-aye; Sasse-aye; Klein-aye; Johnson-aye.
After reviewing the budget prepared by Auditor Vaagen council made some changes.
Motion made by Volk/Larsen to approve the preliminary budget. Roll Call: Volk-aye; Larsen-aye; Johnson-aye; Klein-aye; and Sasse-aye. Motion carried 5-0.
Council discussed the October council meeting and determined that it needed to be moved to October 6th.