April 7, 2008





Mayor Steve Fennewald called the meeting to order at 7:05p.m. Present were Council Members Terry Johnson, Blaine Klein, Dana Larsen, Kevin Nelsen, and Laura Volk.  Also present were Jason Strand of Ackerman-Estvold, City Engineer Alan Estvold, Chief of Police Brad Seideman, PWS Frank Wollschlager, and Auditor Elaine Christianson.  Council Member Jarvis Sasse was absent. 


The agenda was reviewed.  No additions were made.


Mayor Fennewald read the consent agenda: Review and approve the 03/03/08 regular meeting minutes; Approve financial reports and payments of payroll in the amount of $20,384.08 and bills to be paid in the amount of $23,749.27; Approve the Municipal Court, Police and Public Works Reports.  Larsen made a motion to approve the consent agenda items.  Klein seconded. Roll call vote: Larsen-aye, Nelsen-aye, Johnson-aye, Volk-aye, Klein-aye; motion carried.


The Mighty Mustang 4-H Group appeared to request permission to hold a car wash at City Hall on June 7, 2008.  Larsen made a motion to approve the request.  Johnson seconded.  Roll call vote:  Larsen-aye, Nelsen-aye, Johnson-aye, Volk-aye, Klein-aye; motion carried.


Discussion was held regarding implementation of a Cabaret License ordinance within Chapter Six – Business Regulations & Licenses under Article 6 – Alcoholic Beverages to promote health, safety, and general welfare issues in businesses with alcoholic beverages licenses.  Christianson presented information regarding the Cabaret License ordinance from West Fargo.  Larsen made a motion to approve the first reading of the Cabaret License ordinance.  Johnson seconded.  Roll call vote:  Larsen-aye; Nelsen-aye; Johnson-aye; Volk-aye; Klein-aye; motion carried.


The Master Plan of Darcy and Kari Myers’ property was presented to Council.  Rod Hjelden, Kim Shaw, and Jamie Soper of the Surrey Planning and Zoning Commission were in attendance.  Much discussion held regarding the need for a second access street for safety access and increases in traffic to the area.  Myers requested to reduce the area of his Phase 1 plan including the zone change from agricultural to residential to include the ten lots on the north end of 4th Avenue Southwest, the two lots on the north end of 5th Avenue Southwest and the one lot on the south side 5th Street Southwest east of 6th Avenue Southwest.  This would give the City time to contact the owner of Outlot 25 regarding the extension of 4th Street Southwest across this property.  Larsen made a motion to approve the zone change and preliminary plat plan for the 13 lots discussed.  Klein seconded.  More discussion held regarding the financial costs and responsibility for creating the second access street.  Council asked Christianson to contact the owner of Outlot 25 and research the legality of the City attaching a non-protest document to Myers’ future subdivisions for the development of a second access street.  Roll call vote:  Larsen-aye; Nelsen-aye; Johnson-aye; Volk-aye; Klein-aye; motion carried.


Estvold and Christianson held discussion with Council regarding District 26.  Originally, the City could potentially get some grant monies to be used toward installing a Northwest lift station in conjunction with Lafarge moving into the area and retaining employees.  Now, the City is being told that the grant monies are only available with job creation, not job retention.  Council advised Christianson to issue letters to the property owners of the Springtime addition and the area west of Springtime addition.  Also, Christianson will contact the Magic Fund in Minot to find out about potential monies.


Discussion held regarding the corrigenda bushes on the city sewer line on 3rd Avenue Northeast (south of 2nd Street Northeast).  Larsen made a motion to have the bushes removed.  Nelsen seconded.  Further discussion held regarding who would remove bushes and cost and issuing a letter to the property owners next to the bushes.  Roll call vote:  Larsen-aye; Nelsen-aye; Johnson-aye; Volk-aye; Klein-abstain; motion carried.


Under Unfinished Business, Christianson presented her findings on revenues, expenditures, and water usage on the water, sewer and garbage funds.  Discussion was held about not having any reserve funds for maintaining and/or replacing system infrastructure.  Motion by Larsen to amend Ordinance 9.0101, Rates and Charges  changing the minimum monthly charges to $20.00 per month for water (to include the first 2,000 gallons) and to $15.00 per month for sewer.  Nelsen seconded.  Roll call vote: Larsen-aye; Nelsen-aye; Johnson-aye; Volk-aye; Klein-aye; motion carried.  This shall be the second reading of amended Ordinance 9.0101.


Christianson reported on the applications received for the Part-time Public Works position.  Fennewald advised Christianson to set the interview meeting for Wednesday, April 16, 2008 beginning at 6:00p.m., allowing 20 minutes per interview.


Under the City Auditor Report, Christianson requested permission to pay the District 21 Interest bill when received.  Larsen made such motion with a second from Johnson.  Roll call vote:  Larsen-aye; Nelsen-aye; Johnson-aye; Volk-aye; Klein-aye; motion carried. 


Christianson requested permission to end the Coke machine contract and allow Blue Sox Coach Jeremy Feller to use it as a fundraiser at its current location.  Volk made such motion with a second from Nelsen.  Roll call vote:  Volk-aye; Klein-aye; Larsen-aye; Nelsen-aye; Johnson-aye; motion carried. 


The automatic payment survey results were: 158 unmarked, 26 interested in automatic payments, and 92 not interested.  Larsen made a motion to authorize Christianson to start the paperwork to allow automatic payments for water/sewer/garbage bills.  Nelsen seconded.  Roll call vote: Larsen-aye; Nelsen-aye; Johnson-nay; Volk-aye; Klein-nay; motion carried.  Further discussion was held regarding contracting with Official Payments to accept the use of credit cards for city services and fines.  Official Payments would impose a $3.00 Convenience fee to the user of this service.  Larsen made a motion to authorize Christianson to contract with Official Payments for this credit card service.  Nelsen seconded.  Roll call vote: Larsen-aye; Nelsen-aye; Johnson-aye; Volk-aye; Klein-aye; motion carried.


Council was updated regarding the petitions received for the upcoming election: two petitions for the Judge position, one petition for each ward for the Council positions, and one petition for a 4-year park board member position.  Election will be held at City Hall on June 10, 2008.


A Minot MAGIC Fund Rural Marketing Match application was discussed.  Larsen made a motion to apply for $2,000 with a $2,000 match from the City of Surrey to promote Surrey through the website and potentially a quarterly city newsletter.  Nelsen seconded.   Roll call vote: Larsen-aye; Nelsen-aye; Johnson-aye; Volk-aye; Klein-aye; motion carried.


Christianson requested permission to attend the North Dakota League of Cities Regional Meeting April 15, 2008.  Larsen made such motion with a second from Volk.  Roll call vote: Larsen-aye; Nelsen-aye; Johnson-aye; Volk-aye; Klein-aye; motion carried.


Christianson informed Council that North Prairie Rural Water Districts annual meeting was scheduled for April 15, 2008.  No one from Council would be able to attend.


Christianson requested permission to call meetings of the Ordinance Committee to review the City Ordinances book that was recently completed by Deputy Auditor Rosemary McNamara.  Klein made such motion with a second by Volk.  Roll call vote:  Klein-aye; Volk-aye; Larsen-aye; Nelsen-aye; Johnson-aye; motion carried.


Discussion held regarding ownership, maintenance, and condition of curb stops.  Nelsen made a motion that homeowners must repair their non-working curb stops with the City paying $150.00 toward the cost of repair.  Additionally, the homeowner would only have 90 days to respond after notified by the City of the required repair to be eligible for the $150.00.  Further, if the homeowner does not respond to the letter within the 90 days, the City shall cause the curb stop to be fixed and any charges will constitute a lien upon the property to be certified to the County Auditor who shall levy such charges as a special tax against the property.  After all curb stops in the City are working, the City will take over ownership. Volk seconded.  Roll call vote:  Nelsen-aye; Johnson-aye; Volk-aye; Klein-aye; Larsen-aye; motion carried.  This is the first reading of an ordinance change to Chapter 9-Water and Sewer Rates and Sanitation Regulations.


Wollschlager presented a bid to have the city hall painted and textured by a contractor.  Consensus of Council is to hold off until after the interview meetings for the part-time public works position.


Seideman requested permission to hire Pete Schneider as a part-time patrolman.  Discussion was held on hiring procedures.  Council advised Christianson to post the position on the Job Service website for one week.  Council will review applications at the next meeting.


Seideman requested permission to join the Fraternal Order of Police with the City paying the membership fee.  Seideman believed the membership fee to be $250.00 for one year.  This item tabled until the next meeting.


Seideman and Christianson informed Council of the numerous recent complaints regarding the increased time that trains are blocking the railroad crossings.  This is a safety concern for children, residents, and fire/police issues.  Council advised Christianson to work with the school and fire district to issue a letter of concern to Burlington Northern Railroad.


Under other business, Volk inquired about guns being fired in city limits, Johnson discussed Seideman’s hours for Prom, and Klein inquired about painting the Police Department’s door.


No other business to discuss, motion to adjourn by Klein.  Larsen seconded.  All aye, meeting adjourned at 9:57 p.m.