April 8, 2008 - Tax Equalization
Present were Mayor Steve Fennewald and Council Members Dana Larsen, Jarvis Sasse and Laura Volk. Also present were Assessor Don Siebert and City Auditor Elaine Christianson. Absent were Council Member Terry Johnson, Blaine Klein, and Kevin Nelsen.
Mayor Fennewald called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
City Assessor Don Siebert presented the taxable valuations. The council reviewed the assessments. Residential structures will only have a slight increase for Surrey. There were 24 property sales in Surrey in 2007. Values have been at a 99% ratio on sales.
Mayor Fennewald opened comments from the floor.
Resident Bob Glasgow (SY000034000200–Lot 20 Mahoney’s Fourth Addition) inquired for owner Jenny Zablotney about the increase on the property. Siebert could recommend lowering the value $18,000 because the landscaping was not yet completed. Larsen made such motion and Volk seconded. Roll call: Larsen-aye; Volk-aye; Sasse-aye; motion carried.
Resident Gary Siewert (SY000012000060–Lot 6 Wenz Third Addition) inquired about his increase from $119,000 to $157,900. After examining Siewert’s property card, Siebert explained that the Assessor’s office left a couple of requests to appraise the property and were never called for an appointment so the value was estimated. Discussion held. Council advised Siewert to make an appointment with Assessor’s office to have the property reevaluated.
Residents Mike and Amanda Geyer were recognized in the audience. Geyers spoke with Siebert before the meeting and have made an appointment to have their home assessed.
Residents Wes and Jamie Soper were recognized. They wanted to verify that their property assessment was based on residential and not on commercial. Siebert had made the changes after he received their call and the new valuation was correct.
A letter received from Conrad Koble was read. Koble built a 26x30 addition on the main floor and was questioning the increase. Discussion held. The valuation is correct.
No further comments from the floor. No further comments from Council Members.
Sasse made a motion to approve the taxable valuation assessments for the 2008 tax year. Larsen seconded. Roll call vote: Sasse-aye; Larsen-aye; Volk-aye; motion carried.