November 3, 2008





Mayor Steve Fennewald called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m.  Present were Mayor Steve Fennewald, Council Members Terry Johnson, Blaine Klein, Dana Larsen, Kevin Nelsen, Jarvis Sasse, and Laura Volk.  Also present were Alan Estvold (when noted) and Jason Strand of Ackerman-Estvold, Chief of Police Brad Seideman, PWS Greg Lemer and Auditor Elaine Christianson. 


Mayor Fennewald read the consent agenda: Review and approve the 10/06/08 regular meeting minutes and the 10/13/08 special meeting minutes; Approve financial reports and payments of payroll in the amount of $3,800.74 and bills to be paid in the amount of $25,451.64; Approve the Mayor’s Employee Hours, Municipal Court, Police, Public Works, and Auditor Reports.  Motion to approve the consent agenda – Volk/Klein.  Roll call vote:  Volk-aye; Sasse-aye; Johnson-aye; Klein-aye; Nelsen-aye; Larsen-aye; motion carried 6-0.


Under Unfinished Business, the revised City/Park Agreement for 2009 was presented.  The revision included clarification that the fence lines of the ball diamonds will be sprayed for weeds as needed and an addition $200.00 was added to the contract for a total amount of $1,700.00 per year.  Motion to approve the 2009 City/Park Agreement as presented – Klein/Volk.  Roll call vote:  Klein-aye; Nelsen-aye; Larsen-aye; Volk-aye; Sasse-aye; Johnson-aye; motion carried 6-0.


Also, under Unfinished Business, discussion was held regarding Circle Sanitation’s 2nd tote proposal.  A representative from Circle Sanitation was not able to attend this meeting.  Council wants a Circle Sanitation representative to attend the December meeting.  Christianson will follow up with Circle Sanitation.


Under Monthly Business, Resident Tiffany Williams appeared to ask Council to change the Pit Bull Ordinance.  Much discussion held regarding the ordinance, the dog’s breed, and the dog-at-large violations.  Council advised Williams to contact Dr. Pinkerton to have him assess the dog’s breed and issue a letter accordingly.  This item will be tabled until next month.


The Hope Lutheran Church Women requested a raffle permit.  Motion to approve permit request – Volk/Nelsen.  Roll call vote:  Volk-aye; Sasse-aye; Johnson-aye; Klein-aye; Nelsen-aye; Larsen-aye; motion carried 6-0.


Discussion held regarding progress of Ward County emergency siren project.  Motion to approve and authorize Mayor and Auditor to sign Memorandum of Agreement with Ward County for emergency siren project– Larsen/Klein.  Roll call vote:  Larsen-aye; Nelsen-aye; Klein-aye; Johnson-aye; Sasse-aye; Volk-aye; motion carried 6-0.


Ward County Deputy Laura Forbes was available for questions and comments from the Council.


City Engineer Alan Estvold entered the meeting.


The Surrey Planning and Zoning Committee is requesting Council approve the City Engineer be available for planning and zoning meetings.  Much discussion held regarding current growth in Surrey, the subdivision process, and current planning and zoning fees.  Motion to allow the Planning and Zoning Committee to have the City Engineer attend planning and zoning meetings, as needed – Larsen/Nelsen.  Roll call vote:  Larsen-aye; Nelsen-aye; Klein-aye; Johnson-aye; Sasse-aye; Volk-aye; motion carried 6-0.


Christianson cancelled her request to attend the 2008 ND Planning Conference but added a request to attend the NDLC Biennial Legislative Workshop in Bismarck on December 3, 2008.  Motion to approve training request – Johnson/Volk.  Roll call vote:  Johnson-aye; Sasse-aye; Volk-aye; Larsen-aye; Nelsen-aye; Klein-aye; motion carried 6-0.


Jason Strand of Ackerman-Estvold asked the Council to approve and accept the water and sewer lines that were installed in Myers First Addition.  Motion to approve and accept the water and sewer lines for Myers First Addition – Larsen/Klein.  Discussion held about inspection process.  Roll call vote:  Larsen-aye; Nelsen-aye; Klein-aye; Johnson-aye; Sasse-aye; Volk-aye; motion carried 6-0.  Nothing further for the engineer, Estvold exited the meeting.


Lemer held discussion about some repairs needed on the discharge pipes at the Southeast lift station with an approximate cost of $975.  Motion to approve the repairs – Volk/Sasse.  Roll call vote:  Volk-aye; Sasse-aye; Johnson-aye; Klein-aye; Nelsen-aye; Larsen-aye; motion carried 6-0. 


Lemer reported that out of approximately 350 curb stops in the City of Surrey, 166 have been checked.  30 of the 166 curb stops checked were bad or could not be found.  Council advised Lemer to try to finish checking the remaining curb stops by June 2009.  Much discussion held regarding ownership of the curb stop, repair costs, and the importance of a working curb stop.


Lemer checked with Sweeney Controls regarding a warning control for the cistern.  Estimated cost is $3,500.  Discussion held regarding a telephone lease line versus a radio controlled connection.  Lemer also discussed the water tower inspection and repair of a pipe that was about to fail.  Lemer informed Council about North Prairie Rural Water District’s plan to switch the City of Surrey over to their new water treatment plant.


Seideman and Mayor Fennewald discussed the age and condition of the garage door opener in the north building.  Further discussion held regarding purchasing a new commercial garage door opener.  Seideman did not get any bids.  Motion to approve the purchase of a commercial garage door opener with the Mayor’s consent of final cost – Larsen/Nelsen.  Roll call vote:  Larsen-aye; Nelsen-aye; Klein-aye; Volk-aye; Sasse-aye; Johnson-aye; motion carried 6-0.


Seideman discussed Police Officer Luis Coca’s resignation as he is taking the Chief of Police position for the City of Rugby, an idea about co-oping the police department with Sawyer, and his request to hire an additional part-time police officer.  Motion to approve starting the hiring process for another part-time police officer – Sasse/Johnson.  Roll call vote:  Sasse-aye; Johnson-aye; Klein-aye; Nelsen-aye; Larsen-aye; Volk-aye; motion carried 6-0.


In Other Business, Christianson requested permission to close the City Office, Friday November 28th, the day after Thanksgiving.  A vacation day would be used.  Motion to approve the request – Larsen/Volk.  Roll call vote:  Larsen-aye; Volk-aye; Sasse-aye; Johnson-aye; Klein-aye; Nelsen-aye; motion carried 6-0.  Christianson discussed an inquiry from a prospective purchaser of the Diocese church land and the potential road requirements.  Much discussion held regarding development of the area, who the road benefits, and the process of acquiring the land for a road. 


Also under Other Business, Larsen discussed street light concerns on Pleasant Avenue and 2nd Street Southeast.  Lemer and Christianson will contact Tom Miller from Ottertail.  Mayor Fennewald requested the old city pickup be put inside the North building for the winter.  Klein inquired about the ice rink and the Christmas party.


No other business to discuss, motion to adjourn – Larsen/Klein.  Meeting adjourned at 9:28p.m.