July 2, 2007
MONDAY, JULY 2, 2007
Mayor Steve Fennewald called the meeting to order at 7:05p.m. Present were Council Members Terry Johnson, Blaine Klein, Dana Larsen, Kevin Nelsen, and Laura Volk. Also present were Jason Strand of Ackerman-Estvold, PWS Frank Wollschlager, Chief of Police Brad Seideman, and City Auditor Elaine Christianson.
The agenda was reviewed. No items were added.
Mayor Fennewald read the consent agenda: Review and approve the 06/04/07 regular meeting minutes and the 06/15/07 special meeting minutes; Approve financial reports and payments of payroll in the amount of $13,554.24 and bills to be paid in the amount of $18,696.12; Approve the Municipal Court, Police and Public Works Reports; Approve a blanket gaming permit for the Surrey Public School valid 07/01/2007 through 06/30/2008. Volk moved to approve the consent agenda items. Klein seconded. Roll call vote: Volk-aye; Klein-aye; Larsen-aye; Nelsen-aye; Johnson-aye. All aye, motion carried.
No new business to discuss under Monthly Business.
Under Unfinished Business, several residents were present in the audience to discuss the junk and junk vehicle violation letters they received. Residents Richard Marshall, Julie DeGroat, Marlene Ziebarth, and Dean White spoke to Council regarding their property. Seideman updated Council on each resident’s progress. Consensus of the Council is to give the residents until the next meeting to follow through with their plan. If their individual plans are not executed, Seideman will cause to remove the junk and junk vehicles on August 7, 2007. Mayor Fennewald addressed threats received by Christianson regarding the junk and junk vehicle violation letters. He advised threats are not acceptable to any employee or council member from anyone.
Council Member Jarvis Sasse entered the meeting at 7:30pm.
Ole Olson of Olson’s Towing discussed different options regarding his towing services for junk vehicles, storage of junk vehicles and how vehicles become non-titleable. Christianson will research ND Century Code regarding the bidding requirements.
Discussion held on the Emergency Management System proposal from SRT. Volk made a motion approving the City to go forward with the implementation of the EMS. Larsen seconded. Roll call vote: Volk-aye; Klein-aye; Sasse-aye; Larsen-aye; Nelsen-aye; Johnson-aye. All aye, motion carried.
Discussion held on 2nd Reading of Fire Pit Ordinance. Sasse made a motion to accept the second reading of the change for Ordinance 16.0705 that due to the State’s requirements of a RV Park, the Surrey Park District is allowed to have fire rings in lieu of commercial covered fire pits in the RV Park area. Klein seconded. Roll call vote: Volk-aye; Klein-aye; Sasse-aye; Larsen-aye; Nelsen-aye; Johnson-aye. All aye, motion carried.
Seideman requested permission that he and Police Officer Al Schlag attend training in Grand Forks July 31st, 2007. Klein made a motion to grant permission. Volk seconded. Discussion held regarding training and budget. Roll call vote: Volk-aye; Klein-aye; Sasse-aye; Larsen-aye; Nelsen-aye; Johnson-aye. All aye, motion carried.
Wollschlager informed Council of a utility trailer we received as a donation from SRT. Discussion was held regarding the oil recycling tank. Larsen made a motion to sell it by sealed bids. Volk seconded. More discussion held regarding the sealed bid process. Roll call vote: Volk-aye; Klein-aye; Sasse-aye; Larsen-aye; Nelsen-aye; Johnson-aye. All aye, motion carried. The inspector from the North Dakota Health Department was here. A sign violation existed at the lagoon because the lagoon entrance sign was missing on the new lagoon gate that was installed last summer.
Under the Engineer’s Report, discussion was held regarding Jung Construction completing their water and sewer lines. Council Member Larsen reviewed the plans and specs for Paving District 22. Discussion held regarding 15” culverts versus 12” culverts. Larsen introduced the following resolutions and moved their adoption: Resolution 2007-11 – Approving detailed plans and specifications for Paving District 22 with a specification change of 15” culverts; Resolution 2007-12 – Directing ads for bids for Paving District 22. Klein seconded. Roll call vote: Volk-aye; Klein-aye; Sasse-aye; Larsen-aye; Nelsen-aye; Johnson-aye. All aye, motion carried.
Council was updated on the status of Sewer Improvement District 23 (NE vault). Ackerman-Estvold Engineering is still working on plans and specs, which will be completed for the next meeting.
Council Member Larsen reviewed the plans and specs for Sewer Improvement District 24 (8”force main). City Engineer Alan Estvold, who had entered during the meeting, updated Council that an 8” force main would not scour, so a 6” force main is being recommended to parallel the current 6” force main to the lagoon. Johnson introduced the following resolutions and moved their adoption: Resolution 2007-13 - Approving detailed plans and specifications for Sewer Improvement District 24 (6” force main); Resolution 2007-14 - Directing ads for bids for Sewer Improvement District 24. Sasse seconded. Roll call vote: Volk-aye; Klein-aye; Sasse-aye; Larsen-aye; Nelsen-aye; Johnson-aye. All aye, motion carried.
Discussion was held on Paving District 25. Sasse introduced Resolution 2007-15 – Directing the Engineer for the City of Surrey to Prepare a Report as to the General Nature, Purpose, and Feasibility of the Proposed Improvement and an Estimate of the Probable Cost of Work for Paving District 25. Volk seconded. Roll call vote: Volk-aye; Klein-aye; Sasse-aye; Larsen-aye; Nelsen-aye; Johnson-aye. All aye, motion carried.
Discussion was held on the Proposed Sewer Improvement District 26 regarding the information Christianson researched regarding debt issues. Discussion was also held on Lafarge North America and rumors of them not relocating to Surrey’s extraterritorial area. Estvold recommended not creating the district until we have more information on Lafarge North America’s intentions.
Discussion held regarding an inquiry Christianson received from Precision Plus Construction regarding the addition of some residential lots on the north ends of 4th and 5th Avenue Southwest. Estvold researched the issue regarding sewer and indicated one more lot could be added to the north end of these streets. The lots would need to be platted as a subdivision and he recommends 4th Street Southwest be plotted on the plat.
Christianson informed Council about the discounted policy premium on the State Fire and Tornado policy. Christianson discussed the events surrounding the threats received. Consensus of Council is no threats will be tolerated, abusive phone calls can be terminated, and abusive office conduct can warrant immediate contact with law enforcement. Christianson also discussed the newsletter, consumer confidence report, and water testing violation notice that was recently mailed. Discussion was held regarding the possibility of a quarterly newsletter.
Mayor Fennewald inquired about the status of the Full Moon Lounge liquor license. Mayor Fennewald discussed the City potentially leasing BNSF land in Surrey.
Mayor Fennewald publicly addressed a remark made by a resident at the last meeting. Mayor Fennewald wants the record to show that he does not have any relationship with Jung Construction and no decisions have been made by the Mayor and Council based on this proposed relationship. He further stated that the Mayor and Council Members do not deserve to be slandered for serving the public. Christianson discussed that City Councils consist of numerous Council Members to make sure that conscientious, well-rounded decisions are made.