November 26, 2007 - Special Meeting
Mayor Steve Fennewald called the special meeting to order at 7:11p.m. Present were Council Members Blaine Klein, Kevin Nelsen, Jarvis Sasse, and Laura Volk. Also present were Alan Estvold of Ackerman-Estvold Engineering and City Auditor Elaine Christianson. Absent were Council Members Terry Johnson and Dana Larsen.
This was a special meeting to discuss the protests received for Street Improvement District 25 and potential City pickup purchase. The District 22, 23, and 24 Financial portion of the meeting was cancelled until the 12/03/07 Council Meeting.
Christianson presented 71.8% of the owners of the area of proposed Street Improvement District 25 had turned in written protests. Sasse made a introduced and moved adoption of Resolution 2007-25 – Determining Sufficiency of Protests for Street Improvement District 25. Volk seconded. Roll call vote: Sasse-aye; Klein-aye; Volk-aye; Nelsen-aye. All aye, motion carried. Street Improvement District 25 is now cancelled.
Council Member Dana Larsen entered the meeting at 7:13p.m.
Wollschlager discussed with Council that when he informed Ottertail that the City would not be purchasing the pickup, the Ottertail representative offered to lower the price from $3,700 to $3,000. Discussion held on the current condition of the City pickup, the research Wollschlager did on the sales price of State Fleet pickups, and the retail value of the proposed City pickup. Sasse made a motion authorizing the purchase of the pickup from Ottertail for $3,000. Volk seconded. Roll call vote: Sasse-aye; Klein-nay; Volk-aye; Nelsen-aye; Larsen-aye. Four ayes, one nay, motion carried.