Water/Sewer/Garbage Billing


Your billing includes water, sewer and garbage. Water base rate is $25.00 per month, and $8.50 for each 1000 gallons. Sewer rates are $27.00 per month, and garbage rates are $19.00 per month for one tote. Additional totes are $6.00 extra.  In addition, there is a $1.50 per month charge for Vector Control and $1.00 for Meter Replacement.  Bills are mailed out the first of the month and are due on the 15th. Any bill that is not paid by 9 AM on the 25th will be charged a late fee. Customers with a bill that is more than 30 days past due will have water services disconnected. If water is turned off for non-payment, the turn on fee will be $100.00. Water meters are read every month. It would be helpful if residents could shovel a path to their meters in the wintertime. It’s also a good idea to mark where your curb stop is (the outside shutoff), so if there is a water break, we can locate the curb stop.