March 6, 2006
Present were Mayor Steve Fennewald, Council Members Terry Johnson, Blaine Klein, Dana Larsen, Jarvis Sasse, and Laura Volk. Also present were Chief of Police Brad Seideman, Deputy Auditor Rosemary McNamara and City Auditor Elaine Christianson.
Mayor Fennewald called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
The agenda was reviewed. City Auditor Christianson requested the following additions to the agenda: Senior Citizen’s raffle request, temporary raise for Deputy Auditor Rosemary McNamara, and Planning and Zoning’s recommendation on Dan Jung’s property.
Klein moved to approve the minutes from the February 6, 2006 Regular Meeting. Johnson seconded. All aye, motion carried.
Larsen moved to approve the financial reports - payroll in the amount of $10,447.00 and bills to be paid in the amount of $15,972.08. Johnson seconded. All aye, motion carried.
Chief of Police Seideman requested approval to attend training in Grand Forks in May. Larsen moved to grant the request. Volk seconded. All aye, motion carried
Sasse made a motion to approve the Municipal Court Report, the Police Report and the Public Works Report. Johnson seconded. All aye, motion carried.
Johnson made a motion to approve a local raffle and bingo permit for the Mustang Boosters. Larsen seconded. All aye, motion carried. Klein made a motion to approve a local raffle permit for the Surrey Senior Citizens. Volk seconded. All aye, motion carried.
A letter from the Surrey Public School was received regarding the Community Meeting being held in the Surrey School multipurpose room on March 14, 2006 at 7:30p.m. Mayor Fennewald updated the council about the “Vision of Surrey” committee meeting and concerns of the declining enrollment at the school. Discussion was held regarding development in Surrey. Future development is limited because of the current capacity of the lift stations and the difficulty of finding a developer ready to commit to development in Surrey.
Christianson reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission has recommended approval of Resident Dan Jung’s variance request contingent upon bringing the foundation up to code. A variance hearing will be set for Mr. Jung after Building Inspector Chuck Tollefson approves the completed foundation. Larsen made a motion to accept the recommended approval from the Planning and Zoning Commission with the contingency the foundation be brought up to code. Klein seconded. All aye, motion carried.
Discussion was held on a water bill for Chuck Badke’s unoccupied property. Mr. Badke had requested the bill be waived as he was told no billing would occur until the property was occupied. Sasse made a motion to waive the bill with the condition that Mr. Badke would have to choose either to start receiving a monthly bill or have the water shut off at the curb stop. Larson seconded. All aye, motion carried.
Klein reported the Surrey Senior Citizens are interested in selling a portion of their land for a senior’s apartment complex. The Senior Citizens need to know if water and sewer hookups would be available for this apartment complex. Christianson discussed this with City Engineer Alan Estvold earlier and Estvold advises against further additions to the NE lift station. Discussion was held. Council would like to see development but sewer service would not be available at this time. This discussion led to more discussion regarding the updated sump pump ordinance. Letters need to be mailed out to all residents regarding the upcoming sump pump drainage inspections this spring. By April 15th, 2006, all sump pump drainage hoses need to be discharging outside, not into the sewer system.
Municipal Government Week is April 3-7, 2006. Johnson requested a local “Mayor for a Day” contest for the Surrey 3rd graders as was done in the past. The first three places will be awarded gift certificates to Barry’s.
Christianson discussed the six letters received on the financing of the Fire District Building. Discussion was held over the requirements of each bank on the Fire District Building purchase. Sasse made a motion to purchase the Fire District Building for $64,000 and award financing to Bremer Bank based on their proposed offer with a ten year, monthly payment, fixed rate loan. Klein seconded. Roll call vote: Johnson-aye; Klein-aye; Larsen-aye; Sasse-aye; Volk-abstain. Motion carried. Mayor Fennewald advised Christianson to start on title work and legal documents.
Christianson discussed North Dakota Century Code 57-15-53, which, upon approval of a majority of the electors, could generate two mills or, over $2,300 per year to apply toward the purchased Fire District Building’s monthly payment. This levy would help establish a police station in the city’s new building, making Chief of Police Seideman more accessible to the public when the city office is closed. With this levy, a home valued at $85,000 would have an additional tax of about $7.65 per year. Sasse made a motion to add the Police Dept Levy to the ballot for the June 2006 election. Volk seconded. All aye, motion carried.
Larsen discussed the maps distributed for the increase in the extra territorial zone. Sasse made a motion to approve the second reading of Ordinance 12-204 changing the extra territorial zone from one-half mile to one mile of the city limits of Surrey. Johnson seconded. All aye, motion carried.
Christianson discussed that Ordinance 12-205-Extension of Application of City Subdivision Regulations also needs to be changed from one-half mile to one mile to coincide with Ordinance 12-204. Larsen made a motion to change Ordinance 12-205 to extend one mile from the city limits of Surrey. Klein seconded. All aye, motion carried. Discussion was held regarding the needed unity of Surrey Township and City of Surrey subdivision regulations regarding roads. Christianson is awaiting a copy of the Surrey Township subdivision regulations from the Surrey Township chairman.
The Ward 1 Council Member position is still vacant.
Christianson discussed the need to set a limit on the Medical Spending Account offered by Discovery Benefits. Sasse made a motion to set the limit to $1,200 per year. Johnson seconded. All aye, motion carried.
Christianson informed the Council that no candidates have filed paperwork for the upcoming election for any of the open positions. Deadline to file paperwork is 4:00p.m. Monday, April 17, 2006.
Christianson reported the American flag for the city office is in need of replacement. Christianson requested to purchase flags in bulk to have new ones on hand at all times. Johnson made a motion to purchase six new American flags. Volk seconded. All aye, motion carried.
Christianson made a request to purchase a new two-line phone system. The current phone system is not able to meet the needs of the office. Calls are non-transferable, both phone lines are only accessible at the Auditor’s desk and not to the PWS or Chief of Police, and no phone is available at the Deputy Auditor’s desk. Sasse made a motion to purchase the new two-line phone system presented by Christianson. Klein seconded. All aye, motion carried.
Christianson asked Council to consider a temporary raise for Deputy Auditor Rosemary McNamara while Christianson is on maternity leave. Volk motioned to raise McNamara’s wage to $10.00 per hour during Christianson’s full time maternity leave. Johnson seconded. All aye, motion carried.
Under Other Business, Volk reported she had received complaints from residents regarding Chief of Police Seideman’s work schedule. Discussion held. Larsen made a motion that Seideman include a schedule for approval with the other police reports at each Council meeting. Sasse seconded. All aye, motion carried.