January 9, 2006





Present were council members Steve Fennewald, Terry Johnson, Blaine Klein, Dana Larsen, Jarvis Sasse, and Laura Volk.  Also present were City Engineer Alan Estvold, PWS Arlen Patterson, Chief of Police Brad Seideman, and City Auditor Elaine Christianson.


Council President Steve Fennewald called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.


The agenda was reviewed. 


Sasse moved to approve the minutes from the December 5, 2005 Regular Meeting.  Klein seconded.  All aye, motion carried.


Council Member Dana Larsen entered the meeting.


Volk moved to approve the financial reports - payroll in the amount of $13,448.39 and bills to be paid in the amount of $46,279.09.  Johnson seconded.  All aye, motion carried.


Larsen moved to accept Mayor Robert Haensel’s resignation and declare the position of Mayor as vacant.  Klein seconded.  City Auditor Christianson explained that now the position of Mayor is vacant, residents have 15 days to petition for special election or the position will be filled from within the current council.  If the council receives a petition for special election, since the City is less than six months from a regular election, council can vote down the request.


Council Member Sasse and former Mayor Robert Haensel reported on the committee meeting held with the Surrey Fire Protection District(SFPD) about the purchase of the SFPD building.  The SFPD is requesting a purchase price of $64,000 for the 40’x80’ building.  The SFPD would use the funds to finish out and move their operation to the other building they have.  Sasse and Haensel recommended the purchase.  Larsen motioned to accept $64,000 as the purchase price and that the City would purchase the building contingent on ability to find monies.  Klein seconded.  All aye, motion carried.  Larsen volunteered to replace Haensel on the committee.  City Auditor Christianson will research available options for monies.


Larsen moved to accept the 2006 City Council calendar.  Volk seconded.  All aye, motion carried.


Volk moved to renew the Ward County Jail contract for 2006.  Johnson seconded.  All aye, motion carried.


Sasse moved to renew the ND Department of Health Chemistry Division contract for 2006.  Klein seconded.  All aye, motion carried.


Gary Kramlich approached council regarding the possibility of a pea and lentil processing plant to be located next to Surrey City limits on the Livingston property.  A Canadian agricultural company is potentially interested in areas located next to BNSF as they would need a spur off of the railroad line.  Discussion held.  By consensus of the council, Fennewald told Mr. Kramlich the City of Surrey would be open to further discussion.  Mr. Kramlich will contact council at a later date with further information if the Canadian company is interested in the location.


Under unfinished business, the Council discussed last month’s reimbursement request from Archie Robillard.  Sasse moved to follow City Attorney Hoffarth’s advice that Mr. Robillard should refer to previous owner for reimbursement and not the City.  Johnson seconded.  All aye, motion carried.


Also under unfinished business, City Auditor Christianson reported that the Bond Council for the District 19 Project recommends leaving District 19 open until all work has been completed and approved by the City Engineer.  Because a final estimate of $5,215.00 was included in the bills approved in the financial reports, Volk and Johnson rescinded their previous motion and second approving payment of bills in the amount of $46,729.09.  Volk moved to pay bills in the new amount of $41,064.09.  Johnson seconded.  All aye, motion carried.


Discussion was held regarding the junk vehicle titles turned over by Ron Paulson, which includes a motor home, a van, and a Buick.  Larson moved to have the City contact the Trading Post to dispose of the vehicles and issue the appropriate notification to Mr. Paulson.  Klein seconded.  All aye, motion carried.


Police Chief Seideman requested permission to attend free training on child injury and sexual abuse in Bismarck on January 18, 19, and 20.  Request approved.


City Auditor Christianson presented the proposed year-end transfers.  Larsen moved to accept the transfers as presented.  Klein seconded.  All aye, motion carried.


City Auditor Christianson reported that Brady Martz is requesting $10,000 to $12,000 to do our 2-year audit.  This is an increase of over double from previous audits and is not in the budget.  Council advised City Auditor Christianson to issue Request for Proposals to accounting firms around the state to find a price within the City’s budget.


City Auditor Christianson requested authorization to use automatic systems for payroll.  Discussion held.  Volk moved to approve use of the automatic systems for payroll with a pre-approval form signed by the Mayor or Council President monthly.  Johnson seconded.  All aye, except Sasse, motion carried.


City Auditor Christianson requested permission to attend the North Dakota League of Cities March Madness in Bismarck March 22 through March 24.    Request approved.


Discussion was held on current water bill past due accounts and water deposits.  Council decided to leave water deposit policy as is.


PWS Patterson discussed water tower vault project.  He is waiting on additional bids for the potential excavating work.


Larsen made a motion to approve the Municipal Court Report, the Police Report and the Public Works Report.  Klein seconded.  All aye, motion carried.


Under other business, Larsen discussed the NIMS training that will be held at the Surrey Fire Protection District building Tuesday, January 17, 2006 at 7:00p.m.


Motion to adjourn by Klein.  Volk seconded.  All aye, meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.