April 3, 2006





Present were Mayor Steve Fennewald, Council Members Terry Johnson, Blaine Klein, Dana Larsen, Jarvis Sasse, and Laura Volk.  Also present were City Engineer Allan Estvold, Police Officer Al Schlag, Public Works Superintendent Arlen Patterson, Deputy Auditor Rosemary McNamara and City Auditor Elaine Christianson.


Mayor Fennewald called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.


The agenda was reviewed. Klein moved to approve the minutes from the March 6, 2006 Regular Meeting.  Johnson seconded.  All aye, motion carried.


Larsen moved to approve the financial reports - payroll in the amount of $12,753.28 and bills to be paid in the amount of $14,491.07.  Johnson seconded.  All aye, motion carried.


Police Officer Al Schlag requested approval for Chief Seideman and Officer Schlag to attend a search and seizure training held in Williston on June 9th.  Klein moved to grant the request.  Volk seconded.  All aye, motion carried


PWS Patterson reported water from the 2nd and 3rd St area is draining into Mr. Frothinger’s backyard. Mr. Frothinger is currently using a sump pump to drain the water into the street, but feels the city should be addressing the drainage problems in that part of town.  PWS Patterson reported the city’s oil recycling container has been misused and is now about half full of paint.  The council directed him to check on the options available for disposing of the tank and its contents; the costs involved in doing so, and report back to them at the next council meeting.  The tank will be locked until it is decided what action will be taken.  


Larsen made a motion to grant the Steerhead Saloon a transfer of liquor license to the city hall for private events on May 6th and May 12th.  Volk seconded. All aye, motion carried. 


Johnson made a motion to approve a local raffle permit for the Surrey School.  Klein seconded.  All aye, motion carried.


Motion by Volk to approve Resolution 2006-1, North Dakota Government Week April 3-7, and to provide the winners of the Mayor for a Day essay contest with gift certificates from Barry’s Food-n-Fuel in the amounts of $15 for first, $10 for second, and $5 for third.  Seconded by Larsen.  All aye, motion carried.


The winners of the Mayor for a Day essay contest were announced.  Payton Mueller won first place, Miranda Dyke won second place, and Sterling Lemere won third place.   All are students in Mrs. Johnson’s third grade class. 


Precision Plus appeared before the council requesting a special district be formed for the purpose of installing paving, curb and gutter on the platted portion of 4th Ave SW that lies north of 5th ST SW.  They are the landowners of the majority of the property that would be assessed, and have submitted a written request.  Sasse introduced Resolution 2006–2, Creating Street Improvement District No. 21, and moved its adoption.  Seconded by Larsen.  All aye, motion carried.


Sasse introduced Resolution 2006–3, Directing the Engineer for the City of Surrey to prepare a report as to the general nature, purpose, and feasibility of the proposed improvement and an estimate as to the probable cost of work for Street Improvement District No. 21, and moved its adoption.  Seconded by Larsen.  All aye, motion carried.


Mayor Steve Fennewald appointed Chuck Schmidt to fill the vacancy on the Special Assessment Commission.  His term will expire in June of 2011.


A complaint was submitted to council regarding the condition of 1/2 Pleasant Avenue S. Discussion followed on whether 1/2 Pleasant was an alley or a private drive.  It originally was platted as an alley, but in the 1983 Petition to Vacate, the petitioners requested the N 152 ft of the alley be eliminated and the rest of the alley be used for a private driveway.  The driveway was only given a name for 911 purposes.  Discussion followed.  Motion by Sasse that the city not provide maintenance or snow removal for 1/2 Pleasant Ave. because it is a private driveway.  Second by Larsen.  All aye, motion carried.


Mr. Korgel addressed the council regarding barking dogs in his neighborhood.  Mr. Babinchek addressed the council regarding the measures he has taken to alleviate the barking.  Auditor Christianson stated City Attorney Hoffarth had advised her council could only act if they are going to change an existing ordinance, otherwise this case must proceed through municipal court.  Discussion was held. Mr. Korgel and Mr. Babinchek agreed to try to resolve this problem without involving the court.  


 Larsen made a motion to approve the second reading of Ordinance 12-205, Extension of Application of City Subdivision Regulations. Johnson seconded.  All aye, motion carried.


Motion by Sasse that the City of Surrey vacate the perpetual easement held on N Willow Court.  Discussion followed on concerns about the size of the easement over the new waterline. State code requires water and sewer lines to be set a specific distance apart, and the repair of these lines could become difficult without a full 25-foot easement. Auditor Christianson reported that the easement granted was the south ten feet of the north twenty feet of the Senior’s platted lot, so the easement for that lot is a total of twenty feet.  Sasse moved to approve Resolution 2006-4, Vacating the Perpetual Easement of North Willow Court.  Second by Larsen.  Voting Aye: Klein, Volk, Sasse, Johnson.  Voting Nay:  Larsen.  Motion carried.


Auditor Christianson requested permission to attend the Municipal Finance Officer’s Institute held at MSU June 21-23.  Motion by Johnson to approve the request.  Volk seconded.  All aye, motion carried.


Christianson informed the Council that one candidate has filed paperwork for the upcoming election.  The deadline for filing is 4:00p.m. Monday, April 17, 2006.


Under Other Business, discussion was held on further plans for landscaping the welcome sign.

Council member Volk will get plans and an estimate from Lowes and report back to council.  Ottertail will be asked about spotlights.


Johnson reported the Christmas decorations are being worked on at the school.


Motion to adjourn by Klein.  Johnson seconded.  All aye, meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.