June 5, 2006



MONDAY, JUNE 5, 2006


Present were Mayor Steve Fennewald, Council Members Terry Johnson, Blaine Klein, Dana Larsen, Jarvis Sasse, and Laura Volk.  Also present were Chief of Police Brad Seideman, Public Works Supervisor Arlen Patterson, City Engineer Alan Estvold and City Auditor Elaine Christianson.


Vice President Klein called the meeting to order at 7:05p.m. 


The agenda was reviewed.  Christianson requested the following additions:  Daniel Jung, Water Tower Inspection Report, and Additional Complaints.


Mayor Fennewald entered the meeting.  Vice President Klein turned the meeting over to Mayor Fennewald.


The minutes from the May 1, 2006 meeting and the May 15, 2006 Tax Equalization meeting were reviewed.  Larsen moved to approve the minutes.  Klein seconded.  All aye, motion carried.


Under monthly business, the Steer Head Saloon and the Full Moon Lounge had the liquor license renewal paperwork in order.  The Full Moon Lounge has an offer to sell the bar.  If the sale is completed prior to June 30, 2006, Owner Jan Sherman has requested all renewal paperwork be returned to her.  As the liquor license is non-transferable, the new owners will not be able to open until their paperwork is in order and approved by council.  Johnson made a motion to approve the liquor license renewals for the Steer Head Saloon and the Full Moon Lounge.  Klein seconded.  All aye, motion carried.


The Minot Hockey Boosters had the gaming site authorization paperwork in order for sites at the Steer Head Saloon and the Full Moon Lounge.  Klein moved to approve the gaming site authorizations for the Minot Hockey Boosters.  Volk seconded.  All aye, motion carried.


Resident Richard Marshall made a request for a No Bike Riding in Ditch sign to be placed by his house.  Discussion held on the path worn into the corner of his lot.  Sasse made a motion Larsen (Street Commissioner) and Patterson review the situation, decide if a sign would be an obstruction to traffic, and determine placement for the sign. Volk seconded.  All aye, motion carried.


Resident Robert Greene requested the council investigate solutions for a bird-nesting problem over by his house.  Police Chief Seideman had contacted Minot Animal Warden Dick Schnell and Minot does not deal with bird-nesting problems as most birds are protected.  Council advised Christianson to check with the North Dakota Game and Fish to check options.


Resident Leo Korgel requested a change in the animal ordinance.  Discussion held regarding the ordinance and complaint procedures.  Consensus of the council is to leave the ordinance as is at this time.


Estvold reported that Daniel Jung would be starting a water and sewer improvement on 5th Avenue Southwest where he has purchased eight lots to build homes.  This improvement will be supervised by Estvold to make sure it meets Surrey’s requirements.


Klein reported on complaints he has received from residents regarding campers parking over 48 hours on the streets.  Discussion held regarding the ordinance passed September 16, 2003.  Council advised Seideman to monitor potential violators and issue tickets accordingly.  Christianson will check into Minot’s ordinance and will report findings at next meeting.  Complaint procedures were again discussed.


Volk reported on concerns a resident has regarding 3rd Avenue NW.  Vehicles are parked on both sides of the narrow street so that emergency vehicles would have difficulty getting through.  Council advised Seideman to check into the concern, issue tickets as necessary, and report findings at next meeting. 



Discussion was held regarding lawns and ditches not being mowed.  It is the owner’s responsibility to make sure their property as well as the city right-of-way abutting the property is mowed.  Christianson will issue letters as authorized in the public nuisances ordinance.


Estvold and Larsen discussed with council the final plans for Street Improvement District 21.  Sasse moved to approve the new estimate of the preliminary opinion of cost.  Larsen seconded.  Roll call vote:  Klein – aye; Volk – aye; Sasse – aye; Larsen – aye; Johnson – aye. All aye, motion carried.


Sasse moved to amend the date Resolution 2006-7 was approved as June 5, 2006.  Volk seconded.  Roll call vote:  Klein – aye; Volk – aye; Sasse – aye; Larsen – aye; Johnson – aye. All aye, motion carried.


Larsen introduced and moved adoption of Resolution 2006-8 for District 21 approving detailed plans and specifications.  Sasse seconded. Roll call vote:  Klein – aye; Volk – aye; Sasse – aye; Larsen – aye; Johnson – aye. All aye, motion carried.


Larsen introduced and moved adoption of Resolution 2006-9 for District 21 directing ad for bids.  Klein seconded.  Roll call vote:  Klein – aye; Volk – aye; Sasse – aye; Larsen – aye; Johnson – aye. All aye, motion carried.


Discussion held on next steps for District 21.  Christianson will check into ad that requires map, letter that District 21 residents will need to sign to not later protest a seal coating district, and bonding procedure.  Estvold left the meeting.


Larsen moved to approve the financial reports - payroll in the amount of $12,300.75 and bills to be paid in the amount of $21,210.54.  Sasse seconded.  All aye, motion carried.


Under unfinished business, discussion was held regarding 1/2 Pleasant Avenue South.  Sasse made a motion that 1/2 Pleasant Avenue South is recognized as an alley, however, due to emergency access issues, a necessity to maintain 1/2 Pleasant Avenue South is established.  New No Parking signs are to be placed on the east side of the alley and a sign labeling the alley for emergency services will be placed at the entrance.  Volk seconded.   Roll call vote:  Klein – aye; Volk – aye; Sasse – aye; Larsen – aye; Johnson – aye. All aye, motion carried.


Christianson presented to council the information collected about Fargo’s Quiet Zone.  Discussion held about only establishing the Quiet Zone on the south tracks since the north tracks have minimal usage.  Larsen reported that Ward County is potentially redoing Pleasant Avenue next year.  In his research of establishing a quiet zone, he found that Surrey’s risk rating on the south track might only require Surrey to install a median.  Sasse made a motion to move forward in establishing a Quiet Zone for the south track including petitioning BNSF, however, no fees are authorized at this time.  Johnson seconded. Roll call vote:  Klein – nay; Volk – aye; Sasse – aye; Larsen – aye; Johnson – aye. All ayes except Klein, motion carried.


The second reading of Ordinance 6-624 Alcohol Consumption Permit was discussed.  Larsen moved to approve the second reading.  Johnson seconded.  All aye, motion carried.


Seideman reminded council he and Police Officer Schlag will be attending training in Williston on Friday.  Council had no further questions for Seideman.


Patterson reported that Steen Construction hopes to begin work on the water tower vault in June.  Boger and Son’s will begin street sweeping June 6th, 2006 and will be able to blade gravel streets as well. 


Discussion was held regarding the mowing and condition of the park/ball diamonds and the contract the City has with the Park Board.  Park Board President Ken Johnson hired two independent contractors with lawn equipment to help June 1, 2006 in preparing the ball diamonds for T-Ball.  A bill of $175.00 was submitted.  Sasse made a motion for the City to pay the $175.00 bill.  T. Johnson seconded.  All aye, motion carried.  More discussion held between Mayor Fennewald and Patterson regarding the City’s contractual obligations.  A committee of Volk (Personnel Commissioner), Larsen (Street Commissioner), and Mayor Fennewald will meet with Patterson June 7, 2006 at 7:00a.m. 


Larsen made a motion to approve the Municipal Court Report, the Police Report and the Public Works Report.  Klein seconded.  All aye, motion carried.  Patterson left the meeting.


Mayor Fennewald recommended the reappointment of Planning and Zoning Commissioner Charles Tollefson, as his term expires in June 2006.  Johnson moved to accept the reappointment.  Volk seconded.  All aye, motion carried.


Christianson explained the process regarding bonding the auditor.  Larsen introduced Resolution 2006-10 setting the bond of the city auditor to $150,000.  Klein seconded.  Roll call vote:  Klein – aye; Volk – aye; Sasse – aye; Larsen – aye; Johnson – aye. All aye, motion carried.


Discussion was held regarding the status of the radio-read water meters.  The City needs to order a minimum of 100 meters this year to complete the contract, however, approximately 168 meters are needed to finish installation in Surrey.  More discussion held.  Sasse made a motion to purchase 100 meters at this time to finish out the contract and order the balance needed at a future date.  Klein seconded.  All aye, motion carried.


Christianson inquired if any changes or additions should be made to the Surrey Resident Newsletter that will accompany the Water Quality Report.  Council advised no changes or additions.


Christianson reminded Council of the Election June 13th, 2006 and of the Reorganization Meeting June 27th, 2006 at 7:00p.m.


Under other business, Resident Nicole Mosser inquired about use restrictions on the electric scooter she purchased for her son.  Council explained that under the City’s Recreational Vehicle Ordinance, her son must be a licensed driver at least 16 years of age before he would be able to ride the electric scooter on the streets.  At that time, he must wear a helmet and the scooter must be registered and have liability insurance.


Also, under other business, Klein reported Ottertail will help with street lighting on the Surrey Welcome Sign.  Volk updated council about the landscaping around the Surrey Welcome Sign.  Council members are meeting Saturday, June 24, 2006 to do the landscaping.  Residents interested in donating help should contact the city office or show up at the sign June 24th with shovels, rakes, and levels.


Klein inquired about the oil-recycling container.  As PWS Patterson had left, Christianson reported she knew Patterson had contacted Russ Gohl from Earthmovers but did not know the current status.  She will check with Patterson for an update.


Mayor Fennewald reported he had attended lunch in the hall during the citywide rummage sale and commented how hot it was in the hall.  He requested Christianson ask Patterson to check into options for cooling the hall, possibly screens on the doors and/or window box fans.  Discussion held on benefits verses costs of central air.  Findings will be discussed at the next council meeting.


Christianson presented the water tower report prepared by H&H Coatings and the tower was reported to be in good condition.


Motion to adjourn by Klein.  Larsen seconded.  All aye, meeting adjourned at 10:04 p.m.