June 27, 2006 - Reorganization Meeting



TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2006


Present were Council Members Terry Johnson, Blaine Klein, Dana Larsen, Jarvis Sasse, and Laura Volk.  Also present were Mayor Steve Fennewald, Chief of Police Brad Seideman, and City Auditor Elaine Christianson.   Absent was Council Member Jarvis Sasse.


Mayor Fennewald called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m.


City Auditor Christianson swore in Mayor Fennewald for a four-year term.


Mayor Fennewald swore in Kevin Nelsen who was elected as Ward 1 Council Member and Laura Volk who was elected as Ward 2 Council Member, both four-year terms. 


Jarvis Sasse, Ward 32 Council Member - four-year term, was elected, but will be sworn in at a later date.


Johnson nominated Dana Larsen as Council President.  Volk seconded.  Roll call: Johnson-aye, Nelsen-aye, Larsen-abstain, Klein-aye, Volk-aye, motion carried.


Volk nominated Blaine Klein as Council Vice President.  Larsen seconded.  Roll call: Johnson-aye, Nelsen-aye, Larsen-aye, Klein-abstain, Volk-aye, motion carried.


Mayor Fennewald recommended the following appointments of officers:

City Auditor (Full-time):  Elaine Christianson

Deputy Auditor (Part-time):  Rosemary McNamara

Police Chief (Full-time):  Brad Seideman

Police Officer (Part-time):  Al Schlag

Public Works Superintendent (Full-time):  Arlen Patterson

Public Works Employee (Part-time):  James Volk

Building Inspector:  Charles Tollefson

City Attorney:  Deb Hoffarth

City Engineer:  Alan Estvold

Johnson moved to approve the appointments as recommended by Mayor Fennewald. Klein seconded. Roll call: Johnson-aye, Nelsen-aye, Larsen-aye, Klein-aye, Volk-aye, motion carried.


Mayor Fennewald recommended the following appointments of commissioners:

Water & Sewer Commissioners (2):  Blaine Klein and Jarvis Sasse

Streets & Snow Removal Commissioners (2):  Dana Larsen and Kevin Nelsen

Police Commissioner (1):  Terry Johnson

Personnel & Finance Commissioner (1):  Laura Volk

Larsen moved to approve the appointments as recommended by Mayor Fennewald. Johnson seconded. Roll call: Johnson-aye, Nelsen-aye, Larsen-aye, Klein-aye, Volk-aye, motion carried.


Under other business, Christianson reported on the ND League of Cities class for newly (and not-so-new) city leaders in Bismarck.  Christianson would like to attend.  Christianson will collect registration sheets at the July meeting.


The July meeting date was set for July 10, 2006 at 7:00p.m. due to the July 4th Holiday.


Christianson informed Council a public hearing was set for July 10, 2006 at 6:30p.m. for two variance applications and a zone change application.  Discussion was held regarding subdivision regulations including the extra-territorial zone and rural residential zonings.


Christianson held discussion regarding hiring bond council for District 21.  Larsen moved to approve Christianson’s recommendation to hire Cook, Wegner, & Wike from Bismarck as bond council. Klein seconded. Roll call: Johnson-aye, Nelsen-aye, Larsen-aye, Klein-aye, Volk-aye, motion carried.


Christianson explained to Council elections at-large versus elections by wards.  Surrey is the only City besides Minot that still holds elections by wards.  Discussion held regarding the pros and cons of both types of elections.  Christianson requested Council to consider switching to at-large elections.  Item was tabled until the July meeting.


Larsen moved to adjourn.  Volk seconded.  All aye, meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.